Tag Archives: Demographics

Kick-Ass 2 Demographics

After reviewing the Kick-Ass 2 trailer, I determined that the main target audience for the film would be males aged 15-25. I have come to this conclusion as the content, mainly being action and violence, mixed with black humour, is stereotypically enjoyed by males that are young adults. Superhero and graphic novel adaptations are often popular with young male adults, and are typically associated with them as well.

statisticsAs the film isn’t out yet, I cannot access the statistics on IMDb which would tell me the quantitative data on who is watching the film. However, the trailer on YouTube allows me to see who has been watching it, if they are male/female, what age group they are, and how they found the trailer. According to the statistics on YouTube, it is most popular with males aged between 19 and 44. When the film is released, the statistics may change, as IMDb will provide a more in depth response to the film, so the initial response may change from a male dominated audience, to an audience of both sexes, and a range of ages.

An Example of Quantitative Research 2

An Example of Quantitative Research 2

This is demographical and statisical information taken from a ‘Doctor Who’ video clip from You Tube. It involves things such as likes, dislikes, favourites and comments. It also includes age ranges and males and females. This includes engagement and audience top demographics. Four mini graphs are also displayed representing certain information.

An Example of Quantitative Research 1

An Example of Quantitative Research 1

This is demographical and statisical information taken from a ‘Doctor Who’ video clip from You Tube. It involves things such as views, likes, dislikes and the number of subscribers. A graph and key discovery events are also displayed pinpointing dates and the number of views. There are zero dislikes on this video.

Audience Attractions & Choices

You have to think very carefully about what attracts an audience and the choices you make when making a media product. First of all you have to think about genre. Is it just one genre or a combination of genres? Is it action, adventure, a soap, science-fiction, fantasy, drama, documentary, comedy, romance, rom com, horror, thriller or something different? You also have to think about style (meaning the sets, locations, clothing, costumes and the use of camera) You have to try and make sure the use of the camera makes most of the shots ultra crisp.

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Media Focus Group Surveys & Questionnaires

My group are planning to conduct various surveys and questionnaires on both the web and face to face. They will be completed by focus groups. This could be a number of different focus groups of it could be the same one all the time, we don’t know yet we haven’t figured out what we are definately going to do yet. The focus group and target audience that we will be focusing on the most though is obiviously 16-19 year old media students as anyone who has read my previous posts will know.

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